Welcome to my Personal Website

Welcome! Please accept my "Saalam" & "Namashkar". It’s my pleasure & delight to see you here to visit "my heaven, my website" and I would like to greet you all from the deepest core of my heart.
Well, www.iqbalsharif.com is my personal website and the only aim of launching this website is to share my most logical and humanitarian feelings & thoughts with you all, who want to make their Country "Corruption-Free" and "Moderately Developed" within a reasonable Time-Frame, say maximum within "07 ( Seven ) years". To keep that in mind, I have decided to post some of my related "Write-ups" and a few of my "Photographs" here just to share my views & believes as well as to give my "Personal Identity", so that you could have a concrete idea about me & my Family and could also share my views and exchange yours, if you would like to.
It’s not that my views are 100% perfect, but the fact is, it shall certainly give the basic idea to the respective People & any Government to eliminate Corruptions from their respective Society/Societies forever, inspire them and others to come forward to develop their respective Country/Countries within the shortest possible period of time. I would consider my attempt a success, at least if some of you would please do come forward to convince the People & Government to approve the Policies as mentioned in my "Articles/Humble Views" and would also exchange yours as well.
If you would please go through my write-ups in "Articles/Humble Views", you would notice that in all the cases of Corruptions, I have recommended for the maximum Punishments to the Corrupts, say 25 years' Jail, maximum Fine and also the confiscation of 50% to 95% Properties & Bank-balances of those Corrupts. As I do believe, a mere fine of Tk.50 only to the Smokers could not decrease ( rather increased ) the smoking habit in an open place, which is a proven fact. Therefore, by imposing so-called nominal punishments are not sufficient at all to reduce or control Corruptions from our Society. That is why, maximum punishments are needed, so that the People would not dare to commit any crime and think thrice before they enter into Corruptions and this "Mental Pressure" would greatly refrain the People from doing the same. Naturally, that would decrease Corruptions from our Country. Actually, this "Mental Pressure" would tremendously reduce Corruptions from our Society without even any actual Punishments as, in practice, "the actual Tigers do not kill us, but the ones, which live in our minds".
* In the name of "Almighty Allah", I do commit, if you could approve the Policies as above mentioned, within the next 07 ( Seven ) years, I shall give the Basic Development of our Country by solving the Power Generation Crisis, Unemployment, Baste & Beggars' Problems as well as eliminating Corruptions and Poverty by 98% from our Society forever.
* I am very much delighted to announce here that my humble views as expressed in my "Articles/Humble Views" shall not only help to eradicate Corruptions and make our Country Moderately Developed within only 07 years' time, but would also equally give the same unique results for the other Countries of the world, provided "my mentioned Policies are Officially accepted as Laws and Properly Executed" by their respective Government/s without showing any Leniency to any one.
It may please be mentioned here that my aim is not to hart and hate anyone, but to hate the Crimes and make all of our People happy by reducing Corruptions and the Country Moderately Developed within maximum 07 years' time. Still, if someone is hart due to my views as expressed in my "Articles/Humble Views" by any means, I may please be excused considering my limited knowledge.
May Almighty Allah please bless us all !
With thanks & kindest regards,
Sincerely yours,
Muhd. Iqbal Hussain Sharif
Independent Consultant
Web : www.iqbalsharif.com
Dated : Dhaka, Friday, October 10, 2008